Example of sentences using They in English
Here are 39 examples of sentences using the word They, If you have questions, please ask via email at admin@khoiri.com.
- They are my friends at school.
- They are great football players.
- They were hiding in the Selomangkleng cave.
- What do they do in class? Examples of interrogative sentences using the word them
- They don't do anything in class.
- Why are they hiding on the school grounds? Examples of interrogative sentences using the word them
- They were watching a football game on TV.
- Do they know that they are being watched by their teacher? Examples of interrogative sentences using the word them
- They do not know that they are being watched by their teacher.
- They are eating watermelon in the shop.
- They will drink coffee with their friends at Ibu Budi's stall.
- They will eat fried chicken with their friends.
- They will not lie to you.
- They do not harm your situation.
- They will produce Pop-Ice in large quantities.
- They will keep your vehicle well.
- They will deliver your order as quickly as possible.
- Have they delivered my order? Examples of interrogative sentences using the word them
- No, They haven't delivered my order yet.
- Where do they keep the money? Examples of interrogative sentences using the word them
- They keep their money in state-owned banks
- They were watching cartoons on TV.
- Do they use the bus to go to town?
- They used the train to go to the city.
- They were playing hide and seek with me at school.
- They are performing the Isha prayer in the congregation at the mosque.
- Do they always pray Tarawih in the mosque? Examples of interrogative sentences using the word they.
- No, they don't always pray Tarawih in the mosque.
- They usually pray Tarawih in their respective homes
- Are they eating together in the schoolroom?
- Hey, they are opening together at Budi's mother's cafe
- They will use this vehicle to go to the city
- They will type using Asus brand laptops
- They won't drive to the other side
- They are playing ball in the schoolyard
- Will they cut all the trees in the forest?
- They will look for grass in the schoolyard they will clean with a sickle.
- They were watching cartoons at my house.
- What cartoons have they watched?
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