21 examples of sentences with the word "Bedroom" in English
Here are twenty-one examples of sentences with the word "Bedroom" in English. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below.
- Mrs. Shabrina will make a bedroom measuring 3x4 m2.
- I saw a video on youtube about decorating a modern minimalist bedroom.
- Five paint colors that can give peace to your bedroom.
- Zaid will paint his bedroom with white paint.
- Mr. Budiman tried to get rid of mosquitoes in the bedroom by spraying insect poison.
- Where should I put the TV in the bedroom? Example of an interrogative sentence with the word bedroom.
- You can put the TV in the bedroom opposite your cot.
- My son is the first to learn to read Latin letters in his bedroom.
- We are working on creating an elegant children's bedroom.
- They try to separate their adult daughter in her bedroom.
- May I visit my parents' bedroom? Example of an interrogative sentence with the word bedroom.
- I can't sleep in your bedroom.
- My cat is hiding in your bedroom.
- Are you going to fix my bedroom? Example of an interrogative sentence with the word bedroom.
- This house is enormous because it has three bedrooms.
- Can you help my sick wife in the bedroom? An example of an interrogative sentence with the word bedroom.
- They will make a show in Sulistyarini's mother's bedroom.
- Dian will take the psychological test in her bedroom.
- Why do you attend zoom meetings from your bedroom? Example of an interrogative sentence with the word bedroom.
- I attended a zoom meeting from my bedroom because the internet signal was good,
- Diana's mother wants to buy a cast-or-nothing house that has two bedrooms in her home.
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