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An Naba’ Verse 3 Latin, Tafseer and Its Translation

 الَّذِيْ هُمْ فِيْهِ مُخْتَلِفُوْنَۗ  (3) 

Latin Inscription : alladzi hum fihi mukhtalifuna

Translation from Sahih International : That over which they are in disagreement. (Surah An Naba’ verse 3)

An Naba’ Verse 3 Latin, Tafseer and Its Translation

Tafseer Al Qur'an Surah An Naba’ verse 3 According to the book Tafsir Jalalain:

الَّذِيْ هُمْ فِيْهِ مُخْتَلِفُوْنَۗ (What they dispute about this) the believers (mu’min) believe in it, while the disbelievers (kafirun) deny it.

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