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25 Example sentences using the word Teaching and Its definition

 What does the word teaching mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, in the noun form, the definition of teaching is the occupation, profession, or work of a teacher, ideas or principles taught by an authority.

The following are 25 example sentences using the word teaching. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below : 
  1. Please don't let the teaching given by the teacher disappear without a trace to you.
  2. The teaching given by her is very impressive in our hearts.
  3. The teaching method given is quite good.
  4. There are several questions that you must work on at the end of the teaching.
  5. The teacher always advises at the end of her class teaching.
  6. Don't let a teaching method as good as this not be passed on to future generations.
  7. Mrs. Fitria is studying the oral method for teaching children's mentality.
  8. You don't need to imitate teaching methods from Europe because it may not be by our culture,
  9. Teaching Javanese can be done through art and culture.
  10. Some of the oldest universities in Indonesia still teach traditionally.
  11. They will video the teaching of the hijaiyah letters and Arabic in kindergartens in Bogor city.
  12. Teaching with morals and role models is one of the methods that must be implemented.
  13. The collaboration between the Minister of Education Nadiem Makarim and United States officials will strengthen foreign language education in Indonesia.
  14. Mrs. Suti is looking for a teaching journal on the website.
  15. You can download the teaching journal on the site written by the teacher.
  16. Mrs. Michael protested the teaching method given by the school.
  17. The teaching method given to children should be done in a relaxed and happy manner.
  18. Outdated teaching methods should not be imitated and applied in the present.
  19. We will create a teaching method that is by the latest curriculum.
  20. The latest curriculum expects teaching methods to be carried out in a simple but easily accepted way by students.
  21. If your teaching method is not fun, students will not be interested.
  22. Thousands of students learn English in Pare Kediri because they are interested in the teaching method given.
  23. The English teaching method in Pare can make students quickly understand English.
  24. The mandatory use of English in boarding rooms or at home is a teaching method that must be imitated by all schools in Indonesia.
  25. If your teaching method is too harsh, students will be afraid and unable to accept what you say.

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