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25 Example sentences using the word cash

  What does the word cash mean?

In the noun form, The definition of cash is money in coins or notes, as distinct from checks, money orders, or credit.

In the verb form, the definition of cash is to give or obtain notes or coins for (a check or money order).

The following are 25 example sentences using the word cash. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the khoiri.com search mark.

  1. We tried to withdraw money from the cash.
  2. Our staff were paid in cash.
  3. Cash makes surprise comeback amid 4.6% annual rise in ATM withdrawals.
  4. Don't let all the cash disappear!
  5. If the contribution money in the cash is lost, we will not save anymore.
  6. They have no balance at all in the cash.
  7. Why is the cash book we have damaged?
  8. Mrs. Anisa learns how to save money in cash.
  9. Mrs. Ratna knows that none of her money has been put in her bag.
  10. Has the cash been opened? Examples of interrogative sentences with the word cash.
  11. The cash is open from Monday to Friday.
  12. We will make a savings book and put it in the cash.
  13. If the cash place is damaged, we will take it.
  14. Bukalapak has 19 trillion rupiahs in cash after closing its marketplace service.
  15. The Polewali Mandar district government's cash fund is dying because 15 billion rupiah in travel money cannot be disbursed.
  16. Suspected of embezzling school cash and Eid packages, a married couple in Jagakarsa was finally arrested.
  17. The North Sumatra provincial government has confirmed that it has returned the excess payment of more than 1 billion in road maintenance to the regional treasury.
  18. The Ministry of Finance will not worry about the state treasury decreasing.
  19. The distribution of scholarships to students awaits the cash budget plan process in the regional information system.
  20. Hopefully, next month's activities can increase the organization's cash.
  21. Budiman Sudjatmiko has explained the cash flow from free nutritious food in the village.
  22. The government is trying to find additional cash in 2025 through foreign loans.
  23. In accounting, there are two types of cash, namely cash balances and checking accounts.
  24. Checks and bank deposits are cash-equivalent assets.
  25. Tuberculosis rates plunge when families living in poverty get a monthly cash payout

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