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23 Example of a sentence using the word banana tree in English

 What is a Banana Tree?

The banana tree is a large herbaceous plant with large, elongated leaves that grow directly from the stem. Banana trees have stemmed leaves that are scattered and easily torn with a tapered stem. Bananas are grouped in one compound flower, with the size getting smaller and smaller. Banana stalks produce flowers in large numbers. The flower part of the banana will form a fruit called a comb.

Here are 23 examples of a sentence using the word banana tree in English; some of the sentences below use the word banana tree as an interrogative sentence; if you have any questions, please write in the comments column below.

  1. We will plant an Ambon banana tree behind our house
  2. What is the type of banana tree used to make fried bananas?
  3. They are planting 100 Ulin banana trees in the clear Java plantation.
  4. Name lice and diseases that attack banana tree leaves!
  5. What are the benefits of planting banana trees around the house?
  6. They are taking flowers or hearts from mature banana trees.
  7. Most of the fruit of the banana tree is yellow when it is ripe.
  8. Can cuttings plant banana trees?
  9. "Gedang" is the name of a banana tree in Javanese.
  10. Banana trees can grow both in hill forests and in the lowlands.
  11. According to Wikipedia, the Banana tree originated in Southeast Asia and then spread worldwide.
  12. Polinema students succeeded in utilizing banana tree waste to empower the community.
  13. The University of Surabaya planted 100 banana tree seedlings in Tambak Sidoarjo Village.
  14. PujihHarjo Village in Malang has abundant potential for banana trees.
  15. The dried leaves of the banana tree can be used to make tea, flour, and animal feed from banana weevils.
  16. Banana tree bark can also be made for shoe polish.
  17. Diversification of processed products from banana trees is expected to increase people's income.
  18. How do banana trees grow in the wild?
  19. Banana trees grow vegetatively by raising shoots at the roots.
  20. Banana trees can be planted together with other crops, such as corn and cassava.
  21. Banana trees will die by themselves after fruiting.
  22. Banana trees can bear fruit throughout the year in dry and rainy seasons.
  23. The community members planted banana trees on the damaged and potholed roads.

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