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20 Example sentences using the word Planet and Its definition

 What does the word planet mean?

In the noun form, the definition of planet /ˈplanət/ is a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star, a celestial body distinguished from the fixed stars by having an apparent motion of its own (including the moon and sun), especially concerning its supposed influence on people and events.

The following are 20 example sentences using the word Planet. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below : 

  1. We live on planet Earth
  2. Who died on planet Mars now?
  3. He is not on planet Mars.
  4. Planet Jupiter is a very large planet.
  5. Water, air, and sunlight are available on planet Earth.
  6. Humans only live on planet Earth.
  7. The presence of missing water according to scientists indicates that there are signs of life on planet Mars.
  8. Muharik was told by his teacher to draw planet Earth in a picture book.
  9. A round ball like a globe is the shape of a small planet.
  10. Don't let our planet be damaged by our hands.
  11. He looked up the names of the planets on the internet.
  12. Samsul memorized the names of the planets in his book.
  13. Don't let you not be willing to take care of the planet where we live.
  14. NASA always flies satellites around planet Earth.
  15. Satellites that orbit planet Earth can photograph land from thousands of kilometers away.
  16. The film Kingdom of the Monkey Planet is currently popular in theaters.
  17. Karmila doesn't like memorizing the names of the planets.
  18. I still believe that thousands of planets have not been discovered by humans.
  19. The planets rotate on their axes and orbit the sun.
  20. They will not film on the planet Mars.

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