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25 Example sentences using the word Institution and Its definition

 What does the word institution mean?

In the noun form, the definition of institution /ˌinstəˈto͞oSHən/ is a society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose, an established law, practice, or custom.

The following are 25 example sentences using the word Institution. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below : 

  1. Our institution has been independently audited by the private sector.
  2. Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin proposed that contraceptives for students be studied by religious institutions.
  3. Pre-trial institutions are now widely trusted by the community.
  4. Please find us an independent institution to employ.
  5. Is there an institution that handles marriages in your village?
  6. Let's form an institution that oversees the customs of our village.
  7. Saiful is looking for someone who understands religious institutions.
  8. The name of our institution has been tarnished by your behavior.
  9. According to the head of the informatics office Agus Siswadi, there is an urgent need for synergy with broadcasting institutions to prevent and counter hoaxes ahead of the 2024 Pilkada.
  10. The civil service and institutions will hold routine roll calls in the yard of the Gunung Kidul Village Hall.
  11. 56 educational institutions will enliven the 79th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia with a decorated bicycle parade
  12. The stomach of the Donggala prison has been visited by the Nahdlatul Ulama Halal certification assistance institution in Southeast Sulawesi.
  13. The Purwakarta education office and the film censorship institute will hold a socialization of independent censorship culture.
  14. 5,642 educational institutions in the Pasuruan district will receive grant assistance from the central government.
  15. The Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University has established cooperation with the witness and victim protection agency.
  16. Why was this good educational institution closed by the central government?
  17. Institutions affiliated with the communists are prohibited from spreading their ideology in Indonesia.
  18. The government is trying to regulate private institutions in the regions.
  19. The Surakarta City Government has provided financial assistance and training for special institutions.
  20. Today's leaders must be responsive and collaborative in leading their institutions.
  21. The welfare development and political agency will manage activities to increase cooperation with legislative institutions.
  22. The survey results stated that 51% of financial institutions in Indonesia use generative artificial intelligence.
  23. At the national meeting of the conformity assessment institution, Minister Anas supported the acceleration of BSN's role in digital transportation.
  24. The practice of buying and selling professorships at campuses in East Java allegedly involved internal elements in educational institutions.
  25. The Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparatus has been named an institution that cares about broadcasting by the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission.

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